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(603) 743-3483
School Calendar
222 Central Ave, Dover NH 03820
As the name of our school implies, Saint Mary Academy is dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God. Trusting, faithful, and open to the Spirit working within her, our Blessed Mother is the perfect example of a true disciple of Christ. She was also Jesus’ first teacher and thus is the role model for our school community – faculty, staff, administration and parents – as we work to educate our children in mind, body and spirit.​

As expressed in our mission statement, we strive to inspire our students to honor God, love learning and serve others. Faith development is central to the Saint Mary Academy program. Students are firmly grounded in the doctrine and beliefs of the Catholic Church, and experience SMA as a faith community through daily school-wide prayer (which is student-led), monthly Mass, and spiritual observances such as reciting the rosary, chapel visits, Living Stations of the Cross, and our May crowning ceremony. Our Healthy Spirit service learning projects, our monthly missions collections, and our recycling program all underscore Catholic social teachings regarding concern for the poor and stewardship of God’s creation.