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School Calendar
222 Central Ave, Dover NH 03820
The Home and School Association is a community of parents and caregivers who dedicate themselves to serving the school by hosting events and organizing volunteer committees that assist the school in various ways. It is led by a volunteer board of parents, caregivers and St. Mary Academy staff.
Our goals and objectives are:
To support the mission, goals and objectives of the school
To encourage active participation of parents in the SMA community through developing events that enhance the overall experience of students
To create a strong and caring SMA family through our events that encourage long lasting friendships
To bring Cultural Enrichment opportunities to Saint Mary Academy
The Home and School Association is a volunteer-run organization. Please complete our Events & Skills Volunteer Interest Form and return to Additionally, please visit our volunteer page for information on any training or background checks that may be necessary based on your level of involvement with students. Any questions, please email Your commitment can be as much or as little as you have time for - from simply baking, to decorating, to supervising events - and any help is greatly appreciated.
Executive Board
President: Sharon Ambrosetti
Community Outreach Officer: Brandy Houle
Volunteer Coordinator:
Secretary: Katie Gauthier
Committee Chairs
Restaurant Fundraisers:
Cultural Enrichment: TBD
Classroom Parents: Sharon Ambrosetti
Ice Cream Fridays:
Hospitality: TBD
The Home and School Association hosts and organizes volunteers for many events throughout the year. Some typical HSA events include:
Grandparents Breakfast
Family Fun Nights (Bingo, Skating, etc.)
Halloween Party
Catholic Schools Week Events
Kids Christmas Shop
Bingo Night
Daddy-Daughter Dance & Mother-Son Event
Staff Appreciation Events
Open Houses and Coffee Hours
The various HSA Committees support the school through fundraising and other programs, such as:
Weekly Ice Cream Sales
Monthly Restaurant Nights
Cultural Enrichment Activities
Staff Birthday Treats
Classroom & Mentor Parents
Please consider joining the HSA to help plan and implement great events for our students!